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Get Rid of Cellulite Before Summer

Believe it or not, summer is just around the corner, which means now is a great time to tackle those body issues that are und

Cellulite — the mere word makes women of all ages and sizes cringe. The fact is that 80-90% of women will experience some degree of cellulite, making it a universal problem among the fairer sex. As you look forward to the warmer temps, longer days, and more revealing clothes of summer, now is a good time to ensure that you’re putting your best skin forward.

At our practice, McHugh Plastic Surgery, Dr. Thomas McHugh prides himself on offering the very latest products and services to help our clients in The Woodlands, Texas, tackle most aesthetic concerns, whether it’s aging skin or extra fat. When it comes to cellulite, Dr. McHugh offers cutting-edge laser technology called Cellulaze®, which successfully clears away the lumpy, bumpy skin, paving the way forward to a smooth and toned surface.

If you want to get rid of cellulite before summer, here’s a look at how Cellulaze can accomplish this.

Behind problematic cellulite

In order to understand how Cellulaze works, it’s helpful to take a look at what we’re dealing with when it comes to cellulite. The problem occurs when fat pushes up through the connective fibers in your skin, which creates the telltale lumpy, bumpy surface. 

The reason why women are far more prone to cellulite is twofold. First, the connective fibers in women’s tissue form a more up-and-down vertical pattern, which allows more fat to push through between the fibers. In men, the connective fibers form a criss-cross pattern, which is better suited for keeping fat in its place.

The second reason why women are more prone to cellulite, which typically develops around the thighs, hips, and abdomen, is because women carry more fat in these areas. Women are biologically driven to store fat around their reproductive organs, which means they have more excess fat in those trouble areas around the midsection.

Cellulite can also be hereditary, and it can strike women of all sizes and ages, which means even women with low amounts of body fat aren’t immune. Men aren’t entirely immune, either, as cellulite strikes about 10% of men.

The bottom line is that cellulite is a tenacious, equal-opportunity offender that’s been historically difficult to get rid of — until now.

Enter Cellulaze

The reason Dr. McHugh chose Cellulaze is because the system addresses cellulite on a structural level. Using a small cannula, Dr. McHugh sends laser energy into your tissue using a technology called SideLaze™.

This laser energy releases the fibrous bands that are holding down your skin, which helps get rid of that lumpy effect on the surface. At the same time, the energy liquifies your fat, which Dr. McHugh presses out during the procedure.

But this incredible technology doesn’t stop there. As Dr. McHugh releases the connective fibers, the laser energy also spurs collagen production in your tissue, which will tone and thicken treated skin, giving you a smoother look. This process takes a little more time as your collagen production ramps up during the months following your Cellulaze treatment. That’s why we suggest you do this treatment now so that you can unveil your great results come summer.

The Cellulaze treatment timeline

The Cellulaze procedure takes only 1-1½ hours for Dr. McHugh to complete. Once he’s done, you’re free to return home. You may feel some soreness in the treatment area, especially around the very small incision sites. Dr. McHugh may also put you in a compression garment to reduce swelling.

After a few days of reduced activity, you can gradually get back to your normal routine. And as your body heals and your skin resettles itself over the treated area, you’ll be rewarded with the skin surface you’ve dreamed of.

To get a jump on summer with Cellulaze, please contact us at (281)444-3733 or use the online booking tool to schedule a free consultation.


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