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Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles With Ultherapy®

Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles With Ultherapy®

As you look forward to a new year, you’re dismayed that you’ll be bringing evidence of years past with you. If you want an effective and noninvasive way to reduce wrinkles and fine lines for a fresh start this year, Ultherapy® is the perfect tool for the job.

Thanks to ever-evolving science and technology, McHugh Plastic Surgery is better able to address the effects of aging in your skin through laser treatments, and Ultherapy is a perfect example of this. With this noninvasive laser technology, Dr. Thomas McHugh can rejuvenate the skin on your face, neck, and even your chest, helping you look years younger.

Ultherapy — a gold standard for nonsurgical lifting and skin tightening

There are many benefits with our Ultherapy system, not the least of which is that it’s FDA cleared to lift the skin around your neck, chin, and brow and to improve the lines and wrinkles on your upper chest.

So, how does Ultherapy accomplish all this without resorting to surgery? The answer lies in ultrasound therapy, which allows us to deliver energy deeper into your tissues to encourage a collagen response.

As you age, your body produces less collagen, which is the protein that’s primarily responsible for the structure and tone in your tissue. While this loss is gradual, the deficit can add up, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Making matters worse, areas like your face, neck, and chest also contend with exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, which can break down existing collagen fibers.

With Ultherapy, the ultrasound energy penetrates these beleaguered tissues and creates a renewed call for collagen.

More benefits of Ultherapy

Not only is Ultherapy incredibly effective for lifting and tightening your skin, which, in turn, greatly reduces wrinkles, the treatment is noninvasive, which means there’s no downtime afterward. This means you can come in for an Ultherapy treatment and get right back to your day immediately afterward.

From our end, we love the technology because using ultrasound allows us to target your tissues with increased accuracy, ensuring that we’re delivering the energy to where it will provide you with the best results.

Please note that you have to be patient for these results, as new collagen rebuilds the structural support for your skin from below. About 6-12 weeks after your treatment, however, you’ll realize how well your patience is rewarded when your face, neck, and chest look years younger thanks to a dramatic reduction in sagging skin, as well as fine lines and wrinkles.

To give yourself the ultimate gift in the new year, contact our office in The Woodlands, Texas, to schedule your Ultherapy appointment. 

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