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What Causes Enlarged Labia?

What Causes Enlarged Labia?

Perhaps your labia interferes with sexual intercourse or gets uncomfortably twisted in your bathing suit. Or, maybe you’re less than pleased with the appearance of your vulva due to large labia, which can make you feel less confident sexually. 

Whatever the reason, you want to know why your labia are large and what you can do about the issue.

The good news is that Dr. Thomas McHugh offers vaginal rejuvenation services here at McHugh Plastic Surgery.

In this month’s blog post, we’re going to focus on why you might have large labia and how we can help.

Understanding your labia

Before we get into why you might have larger labia, let’s spend a moment discussing the exact tissues to which we’re referring.

Your labia are external folds of skin that surround your vaginal opening, and there are two sets:

  1. Your labia majora are the outer lips, which are typically covered in pubic hair
  2. Your labia minora are the folds of skin inside your labia majora that surround your vaginal opening on both sides

These tissues play important roles in protecting your vaginal and urinary openings, as well as your clitoris, against trauma. As well, the pubic hair on your labia majora trap harmful agents, such as bacteria, and prevent them from getting inside your body.

Behind large labia

When we discuss enlarged labia and vaginal rejuvenation, we’re referring to your labia minora. There are several reasons why your labia minora may be larger than you’d like, including:

Women with enlarged labia may encounter problems with recurrent urinary tract infections, discomfort when wearing tighter clothing, problems with tugging during sex, and aesthetic concerns.

Whatever your reason for reading this blog post, we understand that these reasons are your own. Our role is to provide you with solutions, and we certainly have one when it comes to oversized labia.

Vaginal rejuvenation through labiaplasty

Each year in the United States, almost 10,000 women undergo labiaplasty to reshape their labia minora.

Dr. McHugh has extensive experience with labiaplasties, and he can help you meet your goals. During this procedure, Dr. McHugh trims away excess tissue and reshapes your labia to your desired goals. As well as reducing large labia, Dr. McHugh can also help with asymmetrical labia.

If you’re troubled by large or misshapen labia and you’d like to explore whether vaginal rejuvenation through a labiaplasty is right for you, please contact our office in The Woodlands, Texas, to set up a consultation.

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